Control of Water Hyacincth By Air
By Josh Biddle. First place winner of the 17th NSW Biennial Weeds Conference photographic competition (weed management).
The Gun Team
By Ruth Armstrong. Second place winner of the 17th NSW Biennial Weeds Conference photographic competition (weed management).
Harrisia Cactus
By Nikki Shepherd. First place entry in the 17th Biennial Weeds Conference competition (weed identification).
Artichoke Thistle
By Anthony Berry. Second place in the 17th NSW Biennial Weeds Conference photographic competition (weed identification).
Miconia leaves
By Kim Curtis. Honourable mention in the 17th NSW Bienneial Weeds Conference photographic competition (weed identification).

Welcome to the NSW Weeds Society

Welcome to the NSW Weeds Society. A place to exchange research, ideas and knowledge on weed management.

This website is for members, policy makers and the anyone interested in being involved in weed management throughout New South Wales, Australia.

News and Events

Advancing Pest Animal and Weed Control Solutions Grants

Advancing Pest Animal and Weed Control Solutions Grants A $13 million federal funding round of the Advancing Pest Animal and Weed Control Solutions program.  Targeting research and development for established pest animals and weeds. “The Australian Government recognises this

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Direct Drilling Oral History Project

This project examined the development and early introduction of Direct Drilling in the winter rainfall areas of Australia (WA,SA, Vic and NSW) in the 1970’s. The main emphasis was on the early adopters who are the unsung heroes of

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