Altas of Australian Species (Atlas of Living Australia)
Australian National Botanical Gardens
Common Invasive Weeds in Australia (IEWF)
Environmental Weeds of Australia
Android app version of “Environmental Weeds of Australia”. Includes over 1,000 weed species, and more than 10,000 images.
PlantFile App
Horticultural database with information about a range of common plants. Covers 3580 species and 9000 cultivars of garden plants. (Apple and Android)
PlantNet (Flora of New South Wales)
Weed ID App (GRDC Ute Guide)
Designed to be used in the paddock to assist in identifying the most common, annual, biennial and perennials weeds in Southern Australia. (Apple and Android)
Weed Identification and Information (Weeds Australia)
Weed Identification Tool (Australian Government)
Weeds of Southern Queensland App
App form of the highly popular publication “Weeds of Southern Queensland”, containing photos and information for 132 weeds. (Apple and Android)