Proceedings of the 8th Australian Weeds Conference

Edited by D. Lemerle and A.R. Leys (1987)ISSN 07251491 These proceedings contains the papers presented at the Eighth Australian Weeds Conference held at the Shore Inn, Sydney. Electronic copies of papers from all Australasian Weeds Conference proceedings can be downloaded from the CAWS website.
Proceedings of the 14th Australian Weeds Conference

Edited by R.C.H. Shepherd (2004)ISBN 0958743991 or ISBN 9780958743990 Pretty but Poisonous is written for home and landscape gardeners, parents, child carers, grounds maintenance staff, bush walkers and all those who enjoy the great outdoors, to help identify plants that may cause poisoning, allergies or skin reactions in people.
Pretty But Poisonous: Plants poisonous to people, an illustrated guide for Australia

By R.C.H. Shepherd (2004)ISBN 0958743991 or ISBN 9780958743990 Pretty but Poisonous is written for home and landscape gardeners, parents, child carers, grounds maintenance staff, bush walkers and all those who enjoy the great outdoors, to help identify plants that may cause poisoning, allergies or skin reactions in people.
Weeds Of The South-East – an identification guide for Australia

By F.J. Richardson, R.G. Richardson and R.C.H. Shepherd (2006)ISBN 0958743932 A comprehensive identification guide for weeds in the south-east region of Australia. Written in easy-to-understand language and beautifully illustrated, this is a field guide for anyone interested in the identification of pest plants and the preservation of our native flora. An essential tool for community and […]
Is That Plant Poisonous? – an Australian field guide for livestock, pets and people

By R.C.H. Shepherd (2010)ISBN 9780980388527 IS THAT PLANT POISONOUS? will help you become more aware and familiar with these plants, most of which are of a weedy nature. It has been written for everyone, but especially for farmers, gardeners, bush walkers, pet owners, veterinary surgeons and parents. The book uses easy-to-understand language with colour photographs to aid […]
Weeds Of The South-East – an identification guide for Australia: Third Edition

By F.J. Richardson, R.G. Richardson and R.C.H. Shepherd (2016)ISBN 9780980388541 A comprehensive identification guide for weeds in the south-east region of Australia. This third edition has been fully updated and reorganised to recognise recent taxonomic changes and includes additional species, many new photographs and the latest distribution information. Written in easy-to-understand language and beautifully illustrated, this […]
50th Jubilee: a history of the Weed Society of New South Wales 1966-2016

Edited By R. Stanton (2016)ISBN 9780995415904This new publication captures into one document many facts, figures andevents that have helped shape the Society over the past 50 years.
Weed Wipeout

Weed Wipeout is an interactive computer game where the player is in a position of managing a farm with weed problems. The player is required to make decisions regarding the most appropriate weed management strategy, and then discovers the results of these decisions. Humorous and unexpected events appear, keeping the job at hand very interesting.
A Global Compendium of Weeds. Third Edition

This publication is targeted at people who introduce, distribute, sell or grow plants, people who need to respond to reports of incursions or those who may generate the report. It should be used by farmers, pastoralists, home and hobbyist growers, production and retail nurseries, people involved with plants at any level of government and any […]
Weed Seed Wizard

The Weed Seed Wizard is a national collaborative project which uses paddock management information to predict weed emergence and crop losses now and in the future. This computer simulation tool is applicable Australia-wide for a range of species. The benefits of a range of weed seed management techniques can be evaluated at paddock level.