Weed Science Group at UNE
Focused on weed ecology and plant competition for designing appropriate and effective weed management strategies, which place less reliance on herbicides. Research projects are spread across the grains, cotton, horticultural and pastoral industries of northern NSW and south-east Queensland.
The University of Sydney Institute of Agriculture
The Sydney Institute of Agriculture was established to bring together agricultural research from across the University of Sydney and contribute valuable knowledge to the agriculture and food sector.
Graham Centre Weed Research Group
A cadre of researchers, students and technical staff based at NSW DPI and Charles Sturt University. Interests include landscape ecology, weed biology and physiology, interactions of weeds in agricultural settings, and management of invasive plants in both natural and agricultural settings across Australia.
ChemCert is a non-profit industry training organisation established in 1999 as the peak body for the training, up-skilling and industry accreditation for users of herbicides and pesticides in NSW.